Geoffrey Goodman King
The Austrian guitarist and singer Geoffrey Goodman King has been devoted to modern electric blues all his life. The way he is playing his guitar is extremely sensitive – always in contact with his own vice versa the audience ´s feelings.
His songs and his way of presenting songs so sensitively has been appreciated and known in the Austrian Blues-scene ever since.
The basis of his blues band is the dynamic rhythm instruments: drums, bass, piano and organ. For larger events, the base is expanded to include a horn group that complements the pieces of music in a sophisticated way with four different tunings.
Geoffrey Goodman King has performed in well-known locations such as:
Porgy&Bess (Vienna), ORF-Kulturcafe (Vienna), Jazzland (Vienna), Papas Tapas (Vienna), Zugabe (Vienna), Casino Baden (Baden), Jazzclub Live (Salzburg), La Boite á Swing (Le Locle/Switzerland), as well as at well-known festivals e.g.: Jazz Week Burghausen (Germany), Vienna Blues Spring (Vienna), Most & Jazz (Fehring), Bourbon Street Festival (Fieberbrunn), Goldegger Blues & Folktage (Goldegg).